GlitterDaze Monsta Love...
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways....
HAH! Cheesy as mess, I know.
Sooo..... I ordered some of GlitterDaze's Monsta Love from the Birthday Girl collection last week. Birthday Girl is named so because it's in celebration of Sana's birthday. Happy Birthday! *confetti*
First, a clippet of text that's on GlitterDaze's website about her polishes:
"Each GlitterDaze nail polish is individually made, just for you!! We try to use the highest quality ingredients and will never include anything that has been tested on animals!"
Great, right? I'm such an animal lover.
Anyways, Monsta Love is a glitter for layering that's loaded with all types of glitter. There's bar glitter, heart shaped glitter, hex, round, micro, square..and colors of magenta, pink, purple and red.
I tried this polish over white originally to showcase all of the great glitters in this one but the base is tinted a bit purplish so it didn't look great in pictures (but in real life, stunner!) and then tried black but that didn't do it justice for pictures either, even though again, in person, it was awesome; so for these swatches I painted Sally Hansen's "Whisper." Finally, the pictures kind of captured the glory of Monsta Love.

See the heart shaped glitter? Heee. It reminds me of when I painted hearts on my ring fingers for my wedding mani. The bar glitter in this really stands out and adds a nice touch to any color. Wear on this was fantastic, even on naked nails. Sometimes I have issues with big glitters like this on naked nails. It tends to peel but this one, no peel-age! I was especially rough with my hands today (scrubbing baked cheese off of a casserole dish, unpacking hundreds of shoes, several hand scrubbings...) and I didn't have the first bit of peeling or chipping. I even had a break on my thumbnail and *gasp* had to BITE it off at work to avoid it tearing up the nail bed. Guess what? Not even that caused peeling or chipping. RARE.
Formula on this was outstanding. The base it's in suspended the glitters perfectly. I had absolutely NO settling during shipping and I didn't have to shake it a million times or turn it upside down or fish around in the bottle for a variety of glitters. Even the greatest polishes have settling (Revlon Whimsical comes to mind) and the fact that this didn't have any was great. You can see in the pictures that there's a good assortment of glitter shapes and colors on each nail. I didn't have to coax that, it brushed on that well. With a nice coat of Gelous on the top I didn't have any whiskers on the bar glitter which I do a lot of the times with shredded and bar glitter. It was as smooth as glass afterwards.
This is a great glitter for layering. I'm going to try it over Essie's Madamoiselle and as a jelly sandwich with Essie's Marshmallow and OPI's Guy Meets Gal-veston. I really can't wait for the Marshmallow jelly sandwich.
The ONLY thing I didn't love about this was the fact that the base has a slightly purple tint that made layering it over white look funky. That's not enough to make a difference for me though. This is still in my top 3 glitters I own. Woo!
This was my first purchase from Sana at GlitterDaze but I know it won't be my last. I will leave you with a picture of the packaging because I'm SUCH a sucker for great packaging and the sticker on this was just so darned cute I had to share. :-)
For all pictures above I painted one coat over naked nails with a thick coat of Gelous on top.
Finally- it's time for my rating!
Overall score- 4.5/5
Formula- 5/5 (the glitter was suspended perfectly in the base. I had NO settling during shipping)
Wear 5/5 (no chips!)
Personal rating 4/5 (tinted base didn't look good over white, but that's minor)
You can find Sana at GlitterDaze in the following places:
And she's got a great storefront!
With the storefront there's no crazed clicking and hoping like there is on Etsy. There's no excuse not to go out and get one ASAP...because, you should ;)
Until next time,
Happy Polishing!
xoxo Carrie